Read this...

Interesting article... Considering my upbringing, this was a little shocking. THROW AWAY ART? What?! (haha) I understand the post modernist philosophy of emphasizing "Process" rather than "Product." But what does that mean? We end up with nothing to show for our growth and development? I think it's important to look back, just as it is being in the present and looking forward. I think a paperless future is never going to happen. We need objects, we need drawings and paintings.

Clutter can be awful, agreed. Keeping things that make you happy (and not to the point of being overwhelmed) is necessary.
It's funny, but I've just been in the process of editing my elementary school/high school/college art portfolios. I was exhausted after the process but felt so happy that my mom had saved it all. It was rewarding to see that work again and see where I've gone from there.


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